About me

Hi! I'm Rafael. I'm a Lecturer at University of Leeds, and a research collaborator of different labs. Previously, I studied at Técnico Lisboa   (where I also received my BSc, MSc and my PhD in Information Systems and Computer Science). There, I worked with the Visualization and Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces Group at INESC-ID Lisbon. Current interest topics are perceptual rendering, VBR, 3D reconstruction, and other things combining graphics and XR.

I've previously worked as a postdoc at Unviersity College London at the VECG group, and at Victoria University of Wellington at CMIC. I still collaborate with both labs in my research.

For more details about who I am, what I like, and what I do, I'd encourage clicking the social networks referenced near my portrait or in the contacts section. They will do a better job than some words here. For anything else, you can send me a nice e-mail which will be replied as soon as I hit F5 on Gmail waiting for those journal paper reviews.


Projects and Labs



"Gait training using smart insoles and immersive reality technologies (XR)" was a project funded by the sfti challenge in New Zealand. I worked remotely as an external advisor to Nadia Pantidi, who was the Principal Investigator at CMIC.

"Graphics Pipelines for Next Generation Mixed Reality Systems" Project at VECG during my previous position. The Pipelines project is an EPSRC funded investigation into new graphics techniques and hardware. The goal was to re-purpose and re-architect the current graphics pipeline to better support the next generation of AR and VR systems.

   CMIC is a lab funded by the TEC in New Zealand, with a focus on Industry collaboration and commercialization. There, I worked mainly in sesveral small projects with japanese partners Square ENIX and IMAGICA on several projects related to their production pipeline. I also collaborated with the XR researchers in the lab in teleconferencing.

   Blackbox was an interdisciplinary ERC-funded project hosted by FCSH-UNL from September 2014 to 2019. On this project, I was mostly interested in the capture and representation of information of the human performers, which goes through point-cloud data capture and rendering, and building technology that will help people from different areas draw conclusions about the deeper meaning of what is there represented.

  REngine was a short-term collaboration with the IT-medex to develop a Unity3D solution for volume rendering (3D Textures) and surface rendering (meshes). The goal was visualizing volume data reconstructed from medical images (CT, MRI, etc), and render using a raymarching shader.

  Machinima Storyteller was a project funded by beActive with the goal of creating a Machinima from an input movie script, in an interactive environment where a game-like experience could be later developed. It was developed using Unity3D, with intelligent agents doing the interpretation of the parts.

  Target was a serious game project focused on conflict resolution in business scenarios. I developed part of the the AI component of the platform.



Advanced Rendering - University of Leeds

The module builds on a foundation of computer graphics towards an understanding of theory and demonstrated practice of modern, advanced rendering techniques. The module covers both cinematic offline rendering as well as real-time rendering, with a focus on the latter specifically in the context of stand-alone systems (common desktops or laptops). Students are taught OpenGL and Vulkan as chosen APIs. This module is part of the High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MSc.

Group Project - University of Leeds

The Group Project provides an opportunity for students to work on a major computing project as part of a team. For the High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering students, I deliver taught material about game engines which is their topic for project.

Foundations of Modelling and Rendering - University of Leeds

Mathematics, Physics, Computing that are the basis of computer Graphics. Diving deeper than what is done at the undergraduate level, students are introduced to modern pipelines, raytracing, and many other fundamental concepts. This module was part of the High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MSc.

User Interfaces - University of Leeds

Undergraduate module (year 2) where students are taught basic user interface design, from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. They are also introduced to C++ at this module, which I was in charge of teaching.

Computer Graphics - Universidade de Lisboa - Técnico Lisboa

2016, 2017 and 2018
Teaching two different group of students, supervising an OPENGL 2.0 / C++ project, or Javascript 3D (three.js)



Computer Entretainment Developers Conference, CEDEC2020, Yokohama, Japan. "Mesh Reduction Struggles/メッシュリダクション四苦八苦"




Blind Augmentation: Calibration-free Camera Distortion Model Estimation for Real-time Mixed-reality Consistency
S Prakash, DR Walton, RK dos Anjos, A Steed, T Ritschel
[soon] [pdf] [project]


Saliency detection for large-scale mesh decimation
RK dos Anjos, RA Roberts, B Allen, J Jorge, K Anjyo
Computers & Graphics
[elsevier] [pdf] [code]

Magic: Manipulating avatars and gestures to improve remote collaboration
CG Fidalgo, M Sousa, D Mendes, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, K Singh, J Jorge
2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)
[ieee] [pdf]


Metameric Inpainting for Image Warping
RK dos Anjos, DR Walton, K Akşit, S Friston, D Swapp, A Steed, T Ritschel
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
[ieee] [pre-print] [project]

Metameric Varifocal Holograms
DR Walton, K Kavaklı, RK dos Anjos, D Swapp, T Weyrich, H Urey, A Steed, T Ritschel, K Akşit
2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)
[ieee] [pre-print]

Capturing and visualizing 3D dance data: Challenges and lessons learnt
C. Ribeiro, RK dos Anjos, C. Fernandes
Dance data, cognition, and multimodal communication, pp 148-160
[book] [pre-print]


Spectator View: Enabling Asymmetric Interaction between HMD Wearers and Spectators with a Large Display
F Welsford-Ackroyd, A Chalmers, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, H Kim, T Rhee
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, ISS 2021
[acm] [pre-print]

Beyond Blur: Ventral Metamers for Foveated Rendering
RK dos Anjos and D Walton, S Friston, D Swapp, K Akşit, A Steed, T Ritschel
ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2021)
[acm] [pre-print] [project page]

Promoting Reality Awareness in Virtual Reality through Proxemics
D Medeiros, RK dos Anjos, N Pantidi, K Huang, M Sousa, C Anslow, J Jorge
2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)
[ieee] [pdf]

Deformation Transfer Survey
R Roberts, RK dos Anjos, A Maejima, K Anjyo
Computers & Graphics
[elsevier] [pdf]


Voice Interaction for Augmented Reality Navigation Interfaces with Natural Language Understanding
J Zhao, CJ Parry, RK dos Anjos, C Anslow, T Rhee
International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
[ieee] [pdf]

Experiencing Choreographed 4D Visuals in a VR Dance Installation
S Jürgens,C Fernandes, RK dos Anjos
Performance Research,A Journal of the Performing Art, Volume 25, 2020 - Issue 4: On Hybridity
[Taylor Francis] [pdf]

Augmented Virtual Teleportation for High-Fidelity Telecollaboration
T Rhee, S Thompson, D Medeiros, RK dos Anjos, A Chalmers
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
[ieee] [pdf]


Piku Piku Interpolation
R Roberts, RK dos Anjos, K Anjyo, JP Lewis
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs
[acm] [pdf]

LINACVR: VR Simulation for Radiation Therapy Education
H Bannister, B Selwyn-Smith, A L.Wilson, D Medeiros, RK dos Anjos,C Anslow, B Robinson,Aidan Leong, Paul Kane
The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI '19)
[acm] [pdf]

Dynamic Occlusion Handling for Real-Time AR Applications
J Jorge, R Silva, RK dos Anjos
The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI '19)
[acm] [pdf]

Adventures in Hologram Space: Exploring the Design Space of Eye-to-eye Volumetric Projection-based Telepresence
RK dos Anjos, M Sousa, D Mendes, D Medeiros, M Billinghurst, Craig Anslow, J Jorge
25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '19)
[acm] [pdf] [video]

Anatomy Studio: a Tool for Virtual Dissection Through Augmented 3D Reconstruction
E Zorzal, M Sousa, D Mendes, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, S Paulo, P Rodrigues, J Mendes, V Delmas, JF Uhl, J Mogorrón, J Jorge, DS Lopes
Computers & Graphics
[elsevier] [pdf]

WARPING DEIXIS: Distorting Gestures to Enhance Collaboration
M Sousa, RK dos Anjos, D Mendes, M Billinghurst and J Jorge
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019
[acm] [pdf] [video] [presentation]


A navigation paradigm driven classification for video-based rendering techniques
RK dos Anjos, J Pereira and J Gaspar
Computers & Graphics 77, Pages 205-216
[elsevier] [pdf]

Keep my head on my shoulders! Why third-person is bad for navigation in VR
D Medeiros, RK dos Anjos, D Mendes, J Pereira, A Raposo, J Jorge
VRST'2018 - ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
[acm] [video] [pdf]

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Movement Qualities in Contemporary Dance
RK dos Anjos, CS Ribeiro and C Fernandes
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement Computing, 10
[acm] [video] [pdf]

Assessing the usability of tile-based interfaces to visually navigate 3-D parameter domains
DS Lopes, RK dos Anjos and J Jorge
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 118
[elsevier] [video] [pdf]

Virtual Reality Annotator: A Tool to Annotate Dancers in a Virtual Environment
CS Ribeiro, RK dos Anjos and C Fernandes
Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10605)
[springer] [pdf]


Creepy Tracker Toolkit for Context-aware Interfaces
M Sousa, D Mendes, RK dos Anjos, D Medeiros, A Raposo, A Ferreira, J Pereira and J Jorge
ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS), 2017
[acm] [video] [github] [pdf]

Multiview Layered Depth Image
RK dos Anjos, JM Pereira, JA Gaspar, C Fernandes
Journal of WSCG 25(2), 115
[WSCG DL] [pdf] [bib]

Stroke-based splatting: an efficient multi-resolution point cloud visualization technique
RK dos Anjos, CS Ribeiro, DS Lopes, JM Pereira
The Visual Computer
[springer] [video] [pdf]

Capturing and Documenting Creative Processes in Contemporary Dance
CS Ribeiro, RK dos Anjos, C Fernandes
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing, 7
[acm] [pdf]

3D Flashback: An Informative Application for Dance
RK dos Anjos, JM Pereira, C Fernandes
ERCIM News 108 (108), 45
[ercim] [pdf]


Transposing Formal Annotations of 2D Video Data into a 3D Environment for Gesture Research
V Evola, CS Ribeiro, J Skubisz, RK dos Anjos,
International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) 2016, 45
[isgs] [pdf]

3d annotation in contemporary dance: enhancing the creation-tool video annotator
C Ribeiro, RK dos Anjos, C Fernandes, JM Pereira
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, 41
[acm] [pdf]


Mappets: An Interactive Plugin for Transmedia Machinima on Unity3D
RK dos Anjos, E Di Tullio, R Prada
International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 69-74
[springer] [pdf]


Collision Detection on Point Clouds Using a 2.5+ D Image-Based Approach
RK dos Anjos, JM Pereira, JF Oliveira
Journal of WSCG 20 (2), 145 - 153
[UWB DL] [pdf]



Woodhouse Lane, Sir William Henry Bragg Building, Room 2.04d, University of Leeds.
Leeds, United Kingdom.

email: r.kuffnerdosanjos at leeds.ac.uk